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European Journal of Family Business
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Journal Information
Vol. 6. Issue 2.
Pages 63-134 (July - December 2016)
Research papers
President interlocking, family firms and performance during turbulent times: Evidence from Latin America
Karen Watkins-Fassler, Virginia Fernández-Pérez, Lázaro Rodríguez-Ariza
European Journal of Family Business. 2016;6:63-74

  • President interlocking in LA firms is positively associated with performance.

  • The association between performance and interlocks depends on corporate governance.

  • This favorable relationship is mitigated where expropriation odds are higher.

Open access
Composition of familiness: Perspectives of social capital and open systems
Myriam Cano-Rubio, Guadalupe Fuentes-Lombardo, María Jesús Hernández-Ortiz, Manuel Carlos Vallejo-Martos
European Journal of Family Business. 2016;6:75-85

  • Covers a gap in the literature regarding the composition of familiness.

  • Defines the variables found in familiness and so helps enable the measurement of familiness in all family firms.

  • Enables conclusions and comparisons to be made about strategic decisions in family firms.

Open access
Conditional mediation of competitive strategy and environment in international entrepreneurial orientation of family businesses
Felipe Hernández-Perlines, Esteban Mancebo-Lozano
European Journal of Family Business. 2016;6:86-98
Open access
Organizational culture and family business: A configurational approach
Gregorio Sánchez Marín, Antonio José Carrasco Hernández, Ignacio Danvila del Valle, Miguel Ángel Sastre Castillo
European Journal of Family Business. 2016;6:99-107

  • Family involvement in the business influences the adoption of a clan culture orientation.

  • Family firm culture is internally group oriented, based on emotional and personalist values.

  • Non-family business is oriented towards market and hierarchy cultures.

Open access
Knowledge management, flexibility and firm performance: The effects of family involvement
Antonio J. Carrasco-Hernández, Daniel Jiménez-Jiménez
European Journal of Family Business. 2016;6:108-17
Open access
Impact of financial crisis and family control on earning management of Portuguese listed firms
Inês Lisboa
European Journal of Family Business. 2016;6:118-31
Open access