Journal Information
Originales/original articles
Estudio piloto de la influencia de una intervención basada en mindfulness y autocompasión sobre la creatividad verbal y figurativa en estudiantes universitarios
Miguel Bellosta-Batalla, Vicente Alfonso-Benlliure, Josefa Pérez-Blasco
Mindfulness & Compassion. 2017;2:55-63
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El rol de mindfulness en la regulación emocional de la depresión
Manolete S. Moscoso, Cecile A. Lengacher
Mindfulness & Compassion. 2017;2:64-70
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An examination of the reliability and factor structure of the mindfulness process questionnaire (MPQ)
Jenna Flowers, Paul Michael
Mindfulness & Compassion. 2017;2:71-81
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Revisiones/review articles
Set shifting reaction-time improves following meditation or simple breathcounting in meditators and meditation-naïve participants: Data from naturalistic, ecological momentary-assessment devices
Rachel Atchley, Daniel Klee, Barry Oken
Mindfulness & Compassion. 2017;2:82-5
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Revisión histórica de los conceptos utilizados para definir mindfulness y compasión
Angela Asensio-Martínez, Rosa Magallón-Botaya, Javier García-Campayo
Mindfulness & Compassion. 2017;2:86-91
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The role of emotional intelligence and empathy in compassionate nursing care
Audrey Beauvais, Michael Andreychik, Linda A. Henkel
Mindfulness & Compassion. 2017;2:92-100
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Bases neurofisiológicas de mindfulness y compasión: una propuesta desde la teoría polivagal
Marian González-García, Javier González López
Mindfulness & Compassion. 2017;2:101-11
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Description and narrative review of well-established and promising psychological treatments for fibromyalgia
Adrián Pérez-Aranda, Alberto Barceló-Soler, Laura Andrés-Rodríguez, M. Teresa Peñarrubia-María, Raffaele Tuccillo, Gemma Borraz-Estruch, Javier García-Campayo, Albert Feliu-Soler, Juan V. Luciano
Mindfulness & Compassion. 2017;2:112-29
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Artículos especiales/special articles
Mindfulness-based stress reduction training program increases psychological well-being, and emotional regulation, but not attentional performance. A pilot study
Luis Heredia, Laia Gasol, David Ventura, Paloma Vicens, Margarita Torrente
Mindfulness & Compassion. 2017;2:130-7
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An empirical investigation into the cognitive and relational dynamics of mindfulness: Adult attachment security mediates the relationship between mindfulness and naïve dialecticalism
David Wang, Frederick Lopez, Margit Wiesner, Quang X. Nguyen, Catherine Horn
Mindfulness & Compassion. 2017;2:138-48
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Mindfulness is not enough: Why equanimity holds the key to compassion
Joey Weber
Mindfulness & Compassion. 2017;2:149-58
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Mindfulness based stress reduction and citizenship education: A systemic review of the empirical literature
Kelsey Evans, Eleazar Vasquez
Mindfulness & Compassion. 2017;2:159-69
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