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Candida albicans is the main opportunistic fungus of humans.
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Eno1, Pgk1 and Als1 of C. albicans have significant immunogenicity.
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Virulence factors involved in the pathogenesis of C. albicans.
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Altos beneficios sistémicos del género Trichoderma para la agricultura de México
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Alternativa sostenible para el manejo de enfermedades sin uso de agrotóxicos
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Selección y evaluación de cepas nativas de Trichoderma para el crecimiento vegetal
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Tested SARS-CoV-2 molecular assays showed good performance and allowed decentralization.
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The 9-min RNA extraction was the less time-consuming method yielding quality results.
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FlashPrep® reagent showed excellent results to perform direct RNA detection.
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Isothermal amplification assays showed acceptable sensibility and specificity.
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All the assays were useful for detection of the COVID-19 waves in the central region of Argentina.
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La calidad de la cerveza se ve afectada por contaminaciones microbianas.
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La bacteria predominante en las contaminaciones fue Levilactobacillus brevis.
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Las levaduras contaminantes más frecuentes fueron del género Saccharomyces.
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La presencia de contaminantes en la cerveza tiene impacto a nivel sensorial.
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Ocho de cada diez microcervecerías presentaron problemas de contaminación.
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Los abscesos cerebrales pueden estar relacionados con otitis media crónica.
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La espectrometría de masas es útil para identificar A. europaeus.
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Se destaca la relevancia de A. euroapeus y su asociación a la localización cerebral.
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MALDI-TOF MS is a reliable tool for identifying M. lacunata and M. nonliquefaciens.
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Using SmaI as restriction enzyme, PFGE is a useful technique for typing Moraxella species.
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Antibiotic susceptibility testing for M. lacunata is not standardized by the CLSI.
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P. mirabilis flagella have a medium-dependent role in cellular hydrophobicity.
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All motility and catheter migration models showed a significant role of flagella.
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A flagellate P. mirabilis mutant was outcompeted by the wild-type in biofilms.
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Biofilm formation of the mutant was impaired as seen in different in vitro assays.
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Flagellar function could be targeted to prevent biofilm formation.
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Rickettsia parkeri es una causa de rickettsiosis en Misiones, Argentina.
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El diagnóstico diferencial mejora la detección de rickettsiosis en zonas de arbovirus.
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Este hallazgo aporta a la epidemiología y al conocimiento médico regional.
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SARS-CoV-2 viral load quantitative data in children was analyzed.
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Symptomatic children had higher viral load compared to asymptomatic children.
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Viral load results may help healthcare workers to safely manage infected children.
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Predominance of hypervirulent clade 8 among STEC strains in Paraguay.
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Antimicrobial resistance mechanisms were observed in highly pathogenic strains.
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O157:H7 STEC are genotypically diverse and are spread among different clusters.
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Relevant microbial community was still present on kefir after one year of storage.
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Bacteria and yeasts were more numerous in kefir grains compared with beverage.
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Lentilactobacillus hilgardii, Lentilactobacillus buchneri and Saccharomyces cerevisiae were identified in water kefir.
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Water kefir may be an innovative source of potential probiotic strains for bee nutrition.
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R. corynebacterioides is considered as an opportunistic pathogen in humans.
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R. corynebacterioides is underestimated as cause of bacteremia in cancer patients.
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16S rRNA sequence analysis confirmed the identification of R. corynebacterioides.
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La diversidad de especies del género Candida constituye un factor determinante en las infecciones fúngicas en pacientes con cáncer
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Los pacientes con cáncer son susceptibles a infecciones fúngicas como la candidiasis oral
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Candida albicans es el principal agente causal de infecciones fúngicas orales.
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Aspirin or statins through pro-resolving lipids may improve inflammation in parasitosis.
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Statins in cerebral malaria reduce mortality in murine models of infection.
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In toxoplasmosis, statin use is controversial, although it decreases cytokines.
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In leishmaniasis, statins decrease local inflammation.
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In Chagas disease, aspirin or statins decrease cardiac inflammation in murine models.
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AMR and multidrug resistance associated with the animal and the production system.
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Higher prevalence of AMR in swine and chicken, and intensive production.
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Lower prevalence of AMR in cattle, and in extensive production/family farming.
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There is a research gap regarding prevalence of AMR in beef-cattle from feedlot.
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Need for restriction of highest priority antimicrobials in food-producing animals.
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L. casei and L. rhamnosus controlled foodborne pathogen adhesion on stainless steel.
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Foodborne pathogens tolerate and grow in the juice acidic food matrices.
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LAB form protective biofilms against pathogens in juice production environments.
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Protective biofilms of Lactobacillus cells on stainless steel are a promising option.
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Glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH) and ciprofloxacin (CIP) alter tadpoles microbiota.
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GBH increase taxa diversity and abundance of fast-growing enteric bacteria.
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CIP exposure reduced taxa diversity and increase dominance of Aeromonas spp.
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GBH-CIP mixture treatment also cause dysbiosis of bacteria from tadpoles microbiota.