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Escherichia coli productora de toxina Shiga: el desafío de adherirse para sobrevivir
M.V. Vélez, R. Colello, A.I. Etcheverría, N.L. Padola
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:100-7
Open access
Candida albicans the main opportunistic pathogenic fungus in humans
Ignacio Uriel Macias-Paz, Salvador Pérez-Hernández, Alejandra Tavera-Tapia, Juan Pedro Luna-Arias, José Eugenio Guerra-Cárdenas, Elizabeth Reyna-Beltrán
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:189-98

  • Candida albicans is the main opportunistic fungus of humans.

  • Eno1, Pgk1 and Als1 of C. albicans have significant immunogenicity.

  • Virulence factors involved in the pathogenesis of C. albicans.

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El papel central de la secuenciación masiva y la correcta identificación de microorganismos en el desarrollo de bioinsumos agrícolas seguros
Diego Herman Sauka
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:109-10
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Beneficios ecológicos y biológicos del hongo cosmopolita Trichoderma spp. en la agricultura: una perspectiva en el campo mexicano
Petra Andrade-Hoyos, Mally N. Rivera-Jiménez, Nadia Landero-Valenzuela, Hilda V. Silva-Rojas, Saira J. Martínez-Salgado, Omar Romero-Arenas
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:366-77

  • Altos beneficios sistémicos del género Trichoderma para la agricultura de México

  • Alternativa sostenible para el manejo de enfermedades sin uso de agrotóxicos

  • Selección y evaluación de cepas nativas de Trichoderma para el crecimiento vegetal

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Agentes de control biológico de origen microbiano para reducir el impacto de hongos patógenos y toxicogénicos
Sofia Noemí Chulze
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:1-2
Open access
Molecular detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Argentina: Evaluation of alternative diagnostic tools for the decentralization of the diagnosis
Gonzalo Manuel Castro, Paola Sicilia, Robertino Gierotto, Julieta Sosa, Andrés Marcos Castellaro, María Gabriela Barbás, María Belén Pisano, Viviana E. Ré
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:206-13

  • Tested SARS-CoV-2 molecular assays showed good performance and allowed decentralization.

  • The 9-min RNA extraction was the less time-consuming method yielding quality results.

  • FlashPrep® reagent showed excellent results to perform direct RNA detection.

  • Isothermal amplification assays showed acceptable sensibility and specificity.

  • All the assays were useful for detection of the COVID-19 waves in the central region of Argentina.

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Contaminantes microbianos en cervezas artesanales embotelladas de la Patagonia andina argentina
Mailen Latorre, M. Clara Bruzone, Virginia de Garcia, Diego Libkind
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:88-99

  • La calidad de la cerveza se ve afectada por contaminaciones microbianas.

  • La bacteria predominante en las contaminaciones fue Levilactobacillus brevis.

  • Las levaduras contaminantes más frecuentes fueron del género Saccharomyces.

  • La presencia de contaminantes en la cerveza tiene impacto a nivel sensorial.

  • Ocho de cada diez microcervecerías presentaron problemas de contaminación.

Open access
Actinomyces europaeus (Gleimia europaea) asociado con absceso cerebral: comunicación de tres casos
Carla Álvarez, Marisa Almuzara, Claudia Tosello, Daniel Stecher, Carlos Vay, Claudia Barberis
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:235-9

  • Los abscesos cerebrales pueden estar relacionados con otitis media crónica.

  • La espectrometría de masas es útil para identificar A. europaeus.

  • Se destaca la relevancia de A. euroapeus y su asociación a la localización cerebral.

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Study of the genetic diversity of Moraxella spp. isolates obtained from corneal abscesses
Karina L. Roitman, Lucía Cipolla, Patricia Minervini, Mónica Prieto
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:20-4

  • MALDI-TOF MS is a reliable tool for identifying M. lacunata and M. nonliquefaciens.

  • Using SmaI as restriction enzyme, PFGE is a useful technique for typing Moraxella species.

  • Antibiotic susceptibility testing for M. lacunata is not standardized by the CLSI.

Open access
Role of Proteus mirabilis flagella in biofilm formation
Paola Scavone, Victoria Iribarnegaray, María José González, Nicolás Navarro, Nicole Caneles-Huerta, Jorge Jara-Wilde, Steffen Härtel, Pablo Zunino
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:226-34

  • P. mirabilis flagella have a medium-dependent role in cellular hydrophobicity.

  • All motility and catheter migration models showed a significant role of flagella.

  • A flagellate P. mirabilis mutant was outcompeted by the wild-type in biofilms.

  • Biofilm formation of the mutant was impaired as seen in different in vitro assays.

  • Flagellar function could be targeted to prevent biofilm formation.

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Caso autóctono de rickettsiosis por Rickettsia parkeri en la Selva Paranaense, Misiones, Argentina
Katherina A. Vizcaychipi, Mabel D. Giménez, Natalia Casas, Susana Lloveras, Gabriel L. Cicuttin, Daniela Lamattina, Javier Marx, Williams Pedrozo, ... Rita Armitano
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:83-7

  • Rickettsia parkeri es una causa de rickettsiosis en Misiones, Argentina.

  • El diagnóstico diferencial mejora la detección de rickettsiosis en zonas de arbovirus.

  • Este hallazgo aporta a la epidemiología y al conocimiento médico regional.

Open access
Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 viral load in asymptomatic and symptomatic children attended in a referral public pediatric hospital in Argentina
Marcelo Darío Golemba, Matías Moragas, María Florencia Fernández, Daniela Borgnia, Martín Ruhle, Marcela Palladino, Ana Paula Arias, Silvina Ruvinsky, ... Andrea Mangano
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:143-9

  • SARS-CoV-2 viral load quantitative data in children was analyzed.

  • Symptomatic children had higher viral load compared to asymptomatic children.

  • Viral load results may help healthcare workers to safely manage infected children.

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First molecular characterization of Escherichia coli O157:H7 isolates from clinical samples in Paraguay using whole-genome sequencing
Natalie Weiler, Lucia Jazmín Martínez, Josefina Campos, Tomas Poklepovich, Maria Veronica Orrego, Flavia Ortiz, Mercedes Alvarez, Karina Putzolu, ... Isabel Chinen
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:111-9

  • Predominance of hypervirulent clade 8 among STEC strains in Paraguay.

  • Antimicrobial resistance mechanisms were observed in highly pathogenic strains.

  • O157:H7 STEC are genotypically diverse and are spread among different clusters.

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Microbiological and chemical characterization of water kefir: An innovative source of potential probiotics for bee nutrition
María A. Rodríguez, Leticia A. Fernández, Marina L. Díaz, Mónica Pérez, Miguel Corona, Francisco J. Reynaldi
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:176-80

  • Relevant microbial community was still present on kefir after one year of storage.

  • Bacteria and yeasts were more numerous in kefir grains compared with beverage.

  • Lentilactobacillus hilgardii, Lentilactobacillus buchneri and Saccharomyces cerevisiae were identified in water kefir.

  • Water kefir may be an innovative source of potential probiotic strains for bee nutrition.

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Bloodstream infection by Rhodococcus corynebacterioides in a pediatric patient diagnosed with high-risk retinoblastoma
Ana Rosa Méndez-Cruz, Georgina Elizabeth Félix-Bermúdez, Dinora Virginia Aguilar-Escobar, Lourdes Vega-Vega, Aurea Itzel Morales-Estrada, Araceli Contreras-Rodríguez
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:68-72

  • R. corynebacterioides is considered as an opportunistic pathogen in humans.

  • R. corynebacterioides is underestimated as cause of bacteremia in cancer patients.

  • 16S rRNA sequence analysis confirmed the identification of R. corynebacterioides.

Open access
Diversidad de especies de Candida recuperadas de la cavidad bucal de pacientes oncológicos en Barranquilla, Colombia
Marisol Sánchez-Molina, Martha Rebolledo-Cobos, Margarita Filott-Tamara, Samir Viloria, Alfonso Bettín-Martinez
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:12-9

  • La diversidad de especies del género Candida constituye un factor determinante en las infecciones fúngicas en pacientes con cáncer

  • Los pacientes con cáncer son susceptibles a infecciones fúngicas como la candidiasis oral

  • Candida albicans es el principal agente causal de infecciones fúngicas orales.

Open access
Statin and aspirin use in parasitic infections as a potential therapeutic strategy: A narrative review
Valentina Burgess, Juan D. Maya
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:278-88

  • Aspirin or statins through pro-resolving lipids may improve inflammation in parasitosis.

  • Statins in cerebral malaria reduce mortality in murine models of infection.

  • In toxoplasmosis, statin use is controversial, although it decreases cytokines.

  • In leishmaniasis, statins decrease local inflammation.

  • In Chagas disease, aspirin or statins decrease cardiac inflammation in murine models.

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Antimicrobial resistance dissemination associated with intensive animal production practices in Argentina: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Barbara Prack McCormick, María P. Quiroga, Verónica E. Álvarez, Daniela Centrón, Pablo Tittonell
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:25-42

  • AMR and multidrug resistance associated with the animal and the production system.

  • Higher prevalence of AMR in swine and chicken, and intensive production.

  • Lower prevalence of AMR in cattle, and in extensive production/family farming.

  • There is a research gap regarding prevalence of AMR in beef-cattle from feedlot.

  • Need for restriction of highest priority antimicrobials in food-producing animals.

Open access
Biological control of foodborne pathogens by lactic acid bacteria: A focus on juice processing industries
María Clara Tarifa, María del Rosario Agustín, Lorena Inés Brugnoni
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:378-86

  • L. casei and L. rhamnosus controlled foodborne pathogen adhesion on stainless steel.

  • Foodborne pathogens tolerate and grow in the juice acidic food matrices.

  • LAB form protective biofilms against pathogens in juice production environments.

  • Protective biofilms of Lactobacillus cells on stainless steel are a promising option.

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Effect of glyphosate and ciprofloxacin exposure on enteric bacteria of tadpoles
Ana P. Cuzziol Boccioni, Guillermo García-Effron, Paola M. Peltzer, Rafael C. Lajmanovich
Rev Argent Microbiol. 2023;55:120-8

  • Glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH) and ciprofloxacin (CIP) alter tadpoles microbiota.

  • GBH increase taxa diversity and abundance of fast-growing enteric bacteria.

  • CIP exposure reduced taxa diversity and increase dominance of Aeromonas spp.

  • GBH-CIP mixture treatment also cause dysbiosis of bacteria from tadpoles microbiota.

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