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Entamoeba coli was the most prevalent species in Argentina populations studied.
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First molecular sequence of Entamoeba histolytica was recorded for Argentina.
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Among the Entamoeba complex species, Entamoeba dispar was more prevalent.
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Se evaluó la calidad de aguas de uso recreativo en la provincia de Salta.
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Los parámetros microbiológicos en su mayoría superan los límites para la recreación.
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Se detectaron formas parasitarias con gran implicancia para la salud pública.
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Se identificaron por PCR amebas de vida libre del género Acanthamoeba.
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La caracterización parasitológica es necesaria en controles de calidad rutinarios.
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IIEB incidence dropped dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Reduction coincided with public health measures to contain the pandemic.
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We observed low rates of SARS-COV2 and invasive S. pneumoniae coinfection.
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Case fatality was higher in coinfected patients than in those presenting IPD.
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Trichoderma spp. strains tolerate 200ppm of pyrethroids and carbamate insecticides.
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Trichoderma spp. consortium growth in liquid culture with 100ppm of insecticide.
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Insecticide promotes the release of proteins and peroxidases by Trichoderma spp.
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Insecticide decreases chitinase and endoglucanase produced by Trichoderma spp.
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Los suelos salinos blanquizales poseen bacterias con propiedades antifúngicas.
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Bacillus sp. CPO 4.279 presentó la actividad antifúngica más alta.
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El extracto EcB9 mostró actividad significativa contra Colletotrichum gloeosporioides.
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La fracción de mediana polaridad FAcB9 posee metabolitos secundarios antifúngicos.
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E.coli diarreogénica fue detectada en el 14% (84/601) de los niños con diarrea.
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El patotipo EAEC fue prevalente y mostró un alto grado de diversidad genética.
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EAEC, ETEC, STEC, EPEC y EIEC fueron detectados en población menor de 5años.
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The new immunochromatographic test is a helpful tool for UTI screening.
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The E. coli immunochromatographic test has high specificity and diagnostic precision.
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Clinical IBK-associated M. bovis and M. bovoculi Uruguayan strains were sequenced.
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Remarkable similarities with reference genomes were observed.
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Differences were observed among virulence factors of both strains.
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A putative and lax recombination site was identified in the M. bovis genome.
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No fimbiral recombination sites were found in M. bovoculi genome.
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Fructanos de agave en una concentración del 0,1%, presentan actividad prebiótica
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El 0,1% de fructanos de agave estimula la formación de biopelículas en probióticos
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Fructanos de agave contribuye a generar estructuras que favorecen la colonización de probióticos
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Fifty-one percent of teachers had circulating antibodies against O157, O145, O121 and O103 LPS.
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Anti-O157 antibodies were the most abundant found in 43% of the samples.
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Twenty-one of the samples reacted against more than one LPS serotype.
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Twenty percent showed IgM antibodies against at least one LPS serotype.
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Continuous educational programs could help to reduce cases of HUS.
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Clones circulantes de L. monocytogenes con distintos grados de virulencia en Argentina.
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Predominio del clon hipervirulento CC1 en muestras de humanos y alimentos.
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Identificación de aislamientos con elevada y posible relación epidemiológica.
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En agua de mar de la costa marplatense se confirmó la presencia de Acanthamoeba spp.
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Acanthamoeba spp. sobrevive a condiciones ambientales diversas por su adaptabilidad.
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Se reportó por primera vez Acanthamoeba spp. en agua de mar en Argentina.
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Prevalencia de Campylobacter fetus entre 2018-2021 en bovinos en Formosa, tendencia ascendente.
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La prevalencia inter-rodeo de CGB fue 29,62% y para TB 17,23%.
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La región centro de Formosa posee mayor riesgo de presentar enfermedades venéreas.
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First report of feline sporotrichosis due to S. globosa in Argentina.
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Absence of zoonotic transmission through scratches from the sick cat is reported.
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The cat received itraconazole 10mg/kg/day for 3 months with a favorable evolution.
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MALDI-TOF MS is especially useful for the identification of anaerobic bacteria.
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It is useful for slow-growing microorganisms that are difficult to identify by traditional methods.
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It is essential to update the databases by increasing the number of spectrum.
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La incidencia de sífilis congénita fue 10,5 eventos/1000 RN en un Hospital de México.
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El consumo de drogas ilícitas en la madre se asoció a sífilis congénita.
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Las drogas ilícitas de mayor uso fueron las metanfetaminas, marihuana y cocaína.
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Kids are not vaccinated against brucellosis.
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Strain B. melitensis Rev 1 ΔeryCD was not isolated from vaccinated kids.
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Rev 1 vaccine was only isolated from 1/15 vaccinated kids.
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Vaccination in males does not cause lesions in the reproductive organs.
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Microbial community composition of beverage and grain of Argentinian water kefir were significantly different.
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The beverage of the water kefir showed higher level of microbial alpha diversity.
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Water kefir may be an innovative source of probiotic strains for bee nutrition.
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Bacteria of the genus Geobacillus have different antimicrobial susceptibilities.
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The bacterial susceptibilities cluster is similar to the bacterial DNA cluster.
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Bioassays with different Geobacillus could be designed to improve commercial test.
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Capsules designed with industrial materials are effective as probiotic carrier for pigs.
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Whey permeate protects the inoculum during lyophilization process.
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Freezing and vacuum condition maintain the viability of the inoculum for 210 days.
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Encapsulation protect the inoculum under simulated gastrointestinal conditions.
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Macrocapsules ensure delivery to the site of action in the gastrointestinal tract.